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Gmail and Google Calendar Add Client-Side Encryption

Gmail and Google Calendar Add Client-Side Encryption

Google is rolling out client-side encryption to Gmail and Calendar, which will allow users to create meeting events as well as send and receive emails that have been encrypted before being sent to Google servers. Client-side encryption will be available to organizations with Google Workspace Enterprise Plus, Education Standard, and Education Plus plans. All other types of Google Workspace accounts and personal Gmail accounts will not get client-side encryption.

What Does Client-Side Encryption Mean?

Client-side encryption is the act of encrypting data within the user’s browser prior to being shared or stored in the Google cloud. Since the decryption keys are created by a third-party management service, a business is able to retain access control over their data. This means that despite Google hosting the information, they don’t have access to said information…only the organization that stores that information does, as they are the only ones with access to the decryption key service. 

What Good is Client-Side Encryption?

Chances are you want control over the digital assets that you and your team creates. You also want them to be secure when you share them over the Internet. Client-side encryption gives you both without any frills or additional expense. By using client-side encryption for Gmail and other Google Workspace applications, it makes it a lot less likely that the data you share will be intercepted and deciphered

Is Client-Side Encryption New?

For Google Workspace apps it is, but client-side encryption has been around for decades; it just has never been so easy. In Google Workspace this feature is new and can be set up at the server level by users with administrator privileges. For a full rundown of CSE options for your organization, visit Google’s page about CSE here.

A lot of organizations rely on Google Workspace and specifically Gmail for their business. If you would like to learn more about getting a secure and reliable productivity suite for your business, give the IT professionals at IT Solutions Network a call today at (855) 795-2939.

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